Cacti 1.2.25: usage of validate_store_request_vars($filters, 'sess_ciscotools_mactrack');

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Cacti 1.2.25: usage of validate_store_request_vars($filters, 'sess_ciscotools_mactrack');

Post by Rno »

I try to setup a filter on a value on a page of type boolean, but I can't make it work!
here is my filter (it's the no_ip filter):

Code: Select all

   $filters = array(
		'rows' => array(
			'filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_INT,
			'pageset' => true,
			'default' => '-1'
		'page' => array(
			'filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_INT,
			'default' => '1'
		'sort_column' => array(
			'filter' => FILTER_DEFAULT,
			'default' => ''
		'sort_direction' => array(
			'filter' => FILTER_DEFAULT,
			'default' => 'ASC',
		'switch' => array(
			'filter' => FILTER_DEFAULT,
			'pageset' => true,
			'default' => ''
		'mac_address' => array(
			'filter' => FILTER_DEFAULT,
			'pageset' => true,
			'default' => ''
		'ip_address' => array(
			'filter' => FILTER_DEFAULT,
			'pageset' => true,
			'default' => ''
		'vlan' => array(
			'filter' => FILTER_DEFAULT,
			'pageset' => true,
			'default' => ''
		'no_ip' => array(
			'pageset' => true,
			'default' => false
		'description' => array(
			'filter' => FILTER_DEFAULT,
			'pageset' => true,
			'default' => ''
Then I do that to use the value:

Code: Select all

$no_ip  = get_request_var_request("no_ip");

and on my page I do that (display):

Code: Select all

					<td nowrap style='white-space: nowrap;' width="1">
						&nbsp;No IP:&nbsp;
					<td width="1">
						<input type="checkbox" name="no_ip" value="1" <?php ($no_ip=='1')?print " checked":print "" ?> >
But I always get this error:
when I try to select my no_ip checkbox

Code: Select all

25/09/2023 14:35:50 - CMDPHP Validation Error, Variable:no_ip, Value:undefined Backtrace:  (/plugins/ciscotools/ciscotools_tab.php[68]:ciscotools_displaymac(), /plugins/ciscotools/display_mac.php[77]:validate_store_request_vars(), /lib/html_utility.php[712]:die_html_input_error(), /lib/html_validate.php[64]:cacti_debug_backtrace())
25/09/2023 14:35:55 - CMDPHP Validation Error, Variable:no_ip, Value:undefined Backtrace:  (/plugins/ciscotools/ciscotools_tab.php[68]:ciscotools_displaymac(), /plugins/ciscotools/display_mac.php[77]:validate_store_request_vars(), /lib/html_utility.php[712]:die_html_input_error(), /lib/html_validate.php[64]:cacti_debug_backtrace())
And my url has the field no_ip set to undefined
But if I set it up with true, then I get what I wan't, and I can clear it and still wokring.

Any help welcome
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Re: Cacti 1.2.25: usage of validate_store_request_vars($filters, 'sess_ciscotools_mactrack');

Post by Rno »

I find it
php 8.2.14
mariadb 10.6.16
Cacti 1.2.27
Spine 1.2.27
RRD 1.7.2
thold 1.8
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flowview: 3.3
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Re: Cacti 1.2.25: usage of validate_store_request_vars($filters, 'sess_ciscotools_mactrack');

Post by TheWitness »

Trial and error will get you there. Don't forget to create a pull request with your enhancements!
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